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Supply Chain Finance

Supply Chain Finance – a Strategic View-article by Igor Zax for Supply Chain Yearbook 2011/2012

Igor Zax, managing director of Tenzor Ltd, published a new article, Supply Chain Finance – a Strategic View in Supply Chain Yearbook 2011/2012, a publication by BCR Publishing/Factorscan. The article focuses on both buyer-centric and seller centric (such as distribution finance) models from risk, the route to market, impact on the supply chain structure and systems/process points of view.

Supply Chain Finance- is there mid-market opportunity for factors? by Igor Zax

Igor Zax, managing director of Tenzor Ltd, published a new article, Supply Chain Finance- is there mid-market opportunity for factors? in BCR Factorscan, major factoring publication. The article focuses on the application of Supply Chain Finance for mid market sector, roots to market (both buyer centric and seller driven) and the role that factoring companies can play in this segment.