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Igor Zax moderated a panel on credit insurance- audio

Igor Zax, Managing Director of Tenzor Ltd., moderated a panel at Factoring and Trade Finance World Conference in Miami 2-4 March 2015, a major event organized by Commercial Finance Association (CFA). The panel, Trade Credit Insurance Included Igor Zax, Managing director, Tenzor Ltd. Kick Baesjou, Global Solutions Director, Coface David Huey, President & Regional Director, NAFTA, Atradius Credit Insurance Todd… Read More »Igor Zax moderated a panel on credit insurance- audio

Igor Zaks to moderate a panel at Factoring and Trade Finance World

Igor Zaks, Managing Director of Tenzor Ltd., is going to moderate a panel during the Factoring and Trade Finance World Conference in Miami 2-4 March 2015, organized by Commercial Finance Association (CFA). The panel,  Trade Credit Insurance would bring leading figures from major credit insurers (Euler Hermes, Atradius and COFACE) as well GE as a major user, and will include:… Read More »Igor Zaks to moderate a panel at Factoring and Trade Finance World