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January 2022

Interview with Bertrand de Cominges , Santander by Igor Zaks, Tenzor Ltd

“We see a big opportunity in investing in trade finance, because this is a very solid asset. Institutional investors are after these types of assets,” Bertrand de Cominges, Santander Asset Management. “We see a big opportunity in investing in trade finance because this is a very solid asset. Institutional investors are after these types of assets,” Bertrand de Cominges, Santander Asset… Read More »Interview with Bertrand de Cominges , Santander by Igor Zaks, Tenzor Ltd

Igor Zaks to present at Georgetown University

Igor Zaks, CFA, President of Tenzor Ltd, will present as a guest speaker at Georgetown University McDonough School of Business on 26 April 2022. The topic would be “Tools for financing and credit risk mitigation in supply chains-past, present, and future?”.   We would be discussing the importance of suppliers’ financial health and supplier bankruptcies and also look at supply chain finance and its… Read More »Igor Zaks to present at Georgetown University

Igor Zaks presents at FCI Conference on Receivables Finance  

Igor Zaks, CFA, President of Tenzor Ltd will be presenting (via video link) at the Conference on Evolution and Outlook of Receivables Finance in CEE & SEE, taking place on 9-10 March 2022 in Budapest. It will focus on Central and South-Eastern Europe and is organized by FCI (formerly known as Factors Chain International), in partnership with EBRD and the Hungarian Factoring Association Leading industry professionals from… Read More »Igor Zaks presents at FCI Conference on Receivables Finance  

Greensill and insurers – the story is just beginning

Igor Zaks, Editorial Board Member of TRF News and President of Tenzor Ltd, explains the recent developments in Greensill case and how these impact the credit insurance industry. Insurance Claims As it just started to appear, most of the Greensill story followed the headlines, and new development occurred. January 13th, Credit Suisse announced it filed five insurance claims related to US$1.17bn in exposure… Read More »Greensill and insurers – the story is just beginning